The Electric car you only have to charge twice a year! (Watch video)

This is the most hyper-efficient car in 2022! Lightyear 0 and Lightyear 1 might be the biggest game-changers. Watch and learn about how this will change future cars.

A few facts about Lightyear cars

  • Lightyear 2, the next generation of solar cars, is available in 2024/2025 at a very affordable price.
  • The price of the Lightyear Zero car is approximately $265,000. This is a steep price for a car that falls within the same category as Tesla Model 3. It starts at one-fifth the price. But you get a car that is very efficient compared to Tesla.
  • Is a Tesla heavier than a regular car? Yes, if we consider ICE cars to be normal cars. Teslas weigh a lot. They still stack up well against other electric cars. The Lightyear cars are NOT heavy.
  • What is a better car than Tesla? It all depends on the factors you’re looking at, but the Ligthyear cars are beating Tesla in so many areas.
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