The cheapest way to replace a Mercedes key

cheapest way to replace a mercedes key

Mercedes is one of the most luxurious car brands on the market. As expected, repairing or replacing a Mercedes part is not cheap. However, if you want to save money when replacing your Mercedes-Benz key, there are several options.

The cheapest way to replace a Mercedes key is through Amazon’s “Garage.” This is followed closely by hiring a locksmith to replace the key, and then coding your own key. The most expensive way of replacing a Mercedes-Benz key is through a Mercedes dealership.

Before you decide to substitute your Mercedes key through any of the above methods, it’s important to know their pros and cons. Mercedes makes very prestigious cars with advanced technology, so you need to be careful to not mess it up and end up paying even more in the name of saving.

Here are the most affordable ways to replace your Mercedes-Benz key:

Amazon’s “My Garage”

Amazon is the largest eCommerce company in the world. Apart from being big, the company has a product range that includes almost every type of product. They even have a section that specifically sells car accessories and car-related things referred to as “My Garage.”

The “My Garage” section on Amazon offers a variety of car parts and accessories, including car keys. If you don’t have money to pay for a replacement key at the Mercedes-Benz dealership, this is the best place to buy a replacement key.

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To get the Mercedes key that you want, simply search through “My Garage” in order to find a blank key that matches your particular Mercedes model. Note that blank keys are normally uncut and unprogrammed keys.

Follow these steps to find the right key for your car:

  • Start by creating an Amazon account if you don’t have one.
  • Log into the account and find the main page for Amazon Garage.
  • Find the drop-down menu.
  • Identify your Mercedes model, make, and year.
  • In the search box, you will see various products designed for your vehicle.
  • You view all the products listed, or use the “Refine” feature to show specific key-related results.
  • Choose the key that fits your Mercedes model.
  • In addition to the key, you might also need to buy the lock/unlock remote.

Mercedes uses advanced technology in its keys for security purposes. All newer Mercedes-Benz cars have smart keys, which are the key and remote in one. In most cases, these keys contain a metal backup key that is hidden within the smart key. So, make sure that the Amazon key has all of these features.

Even though the “My Garage” method is the cheapest way to replace a Mercedes key, it has some downsides. It will probably take several days for the key to be shipped, so this won’t work if you want the key immediately.

Cutting and coding can also be a challenge. After you get the key, you will have to visit a locksmith or Mercedes-Benz dealership to have the key cut and coded.

Local locksmith

If you’re in a hurry but still want an affordable method for replacing your car key, visiting or calling a local locksmith is probably the best choice, especially if you find a local locksmith who specializes in Mercedes-Benz vehicles.

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Not only will a local locksmith be cheaper than going to a car dealership, but they are very efficient and fast. So, you could be driving again after only a few minutes. Mobile locksmiths have keys on hand, and they can cut and code the key at any location.

Coding your own key

Another method that you can use to replace your lost Mercedes key is to code it by yourself. However, coding your key is not easy, as you need to know how the technical program functions.

Before you proceed with this method, you should understand that Mercedes-Benz keys are quite challenging to code compared to other car keys.

Keep the following things in mind:

  • The keys that are used to replace the original keys are “spare keys.” This means the Mercedes car only enables you to create and program a spare key.
  • You can only code the older “Flip” Mercedes car keys by yourself, but not the latest Mercedes “Smart Keys.” If your car has a smart key, you will have to visit a Mercedes dealer or locksmith.
  • It’s not possible to program a master key. If you lose the master key, you will have to visit the dealership.

If the above methods fail to create a spare key for your Mercedes, you’ll be forced to visit a Mercedes dealer. Mercedes dealers are expensive but they are the most reliable.


How much does a Mercedes replacement key cost?

The cost of replacing your Mercedes key varies depending on where you replace it. Amazon “Garage” is the cheapest method, as you will pay less than $200 to have your key replaced. A locksmith will charge you somewhere in the range of $200 and $300, while a Mercedes dealer will charge you at least $400.

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Why is the Mercedes dealership so expensive when it comes to replacing car keys?

Mercedes dealerships are expensive because of the technology they use and the expenses they have to use while programming a new key. They have to generate your new Mercedes key code from Germany using your VIN number. This incurs costs for the dealership.  

Can I track my lost Mercedes key?

No, you can’t. However, a Mercedes dealer can track it. All they have to do is disable the key and order a new electronic remote which will wipe out the old one for good. For your own safety, it’s important to replace both the mechanical locks and the electronic key.

A few options

All-in-all, the cheapest way to replace a Mercedes-Benz key is by buying one from Amazon’s “Garage.” If you’re unsure this method, you can also replace your Benz key with your local locksmith or even code the key on your own.

Remember that the Mercedes’ keys are different from normal car keys, as they feature an improved security system for the safety of your car. So, coding the key might be quite challenging. If the cheaper replacement options don’t work for you, you’ll have to go to a dealership in the end.

Edwin Odipo

Why do you love writing about cars? Cars make our lives easy. You can visit your distant friend, relative or even rush to the grocery store a few miles from your home with a lot of ease. Imagine how life was before the invention of cars?? To me, cars are a blessing that made life more convenient.

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