Mercedes-Benz offers some of the most technologically advanced vehicles on the market. One of the unique features that they offer is a remote start.
All-new Mercedes-Benz models come with a remote start. This is a new feature that was incorporated in Mercedes vehicles manufactured from 2016 and later. The remote start is part of the Mercedes mbrace connect package, which is one of the packages offered by the mbrace software.
The Mercedes-Benz mbrace function became a standard in 2016. The starting package comes with a six-month free trial with the purchase of any Mercedes model manufactured from 2016 and a three-month free trial is provided to pre-owned vehicle purchases.
It’s also important to note that there is starting package that can be upgraded to feature either the mbrace Plus, Mercedes-Benz Apps, or both. Pick a package that best suits your needs and budget.
What is Mercedes mbrace?
Mercedes mbrace is a collection of services and in-vehicle technology features. The software enables the driver to have remote access to their vehicle via the Mercedes me app. Therefore, you can start your car, lock doors, or unlock doors from anywhere using the me app on your phone.
What packages does Mercedes-Benz mbrace offer?
Apart from the connect package, Mercedes mbrace also offers three other packages. These include secure, concierge, and entertain packages. However, the remote start is part of the connect package, which comes standard for five years with all the latest Mercedes-Benz models.
Things you can do through the Mercedes me app
The mbrace software allows you to perform these functions through your Mercedes me app:
- Start your car remotely from any location
- Lock or unlock your car doors remotely
- Direct an address to your navigation
- Keep former climate control settings when you engage remote start
Benefits of remote start
The remote start, which is part of the connect package of mbrace, offers many advantages to the user. For instance, it can recall the previous climate setting on the car when you start it. As a result, the car will be set to the previous temperature or state it was in before shutting down.
So, if you live in a hot environment, the mbrace feature will ensure that your car cools down before you get in. It’s easy to use as you can operate it from your phone using the Mercedes me app. You can also use the software to locate or track your Mercedes if you don’t remember where you parked, for example.
The software is straightforward and quick to connect with Roadside Assistance or send diagnostic data to your Mercedes dealer. Thanks to the remote diagnostics for the quick and easy service that the remote start offers. With these benefits, this software worth having on your Mercedes car.
Mercedes remote start FAQ
Can I install a remote start on my 1998 Mercedes-Benz e320 model?
No, you can’t. The Mercedes-Benz remote start package comes standard for Mercedes-Benz vehicles manufactured from 2016 and on. They can also be installed on most Mercedes models manufactured between 2005 and 2016. But for older models made in 2000 or earlier, this device won’t work on them.
This is because most Mercedes models made in the late nineties to mid-2000s are not compatible with the remote start package. The main reason behind this is the type of immobilizer key they are fitted with that isn’t compatible with the remote start package.
How can I remote start my 2020 Mercedes model?
Take the factory key fob and press the panic button once for a half-second and release it. Next, you will see the vehicle parking lights flash once to confirm. Afterward, your car’s engine will start within 5 seconds. As soon as your car’s engine starts, the parking lights will flash once every 5 seconds.
After starting your car using the key fob, the starter system will continue to run the engine for around 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, if you haven’t gotten in, the vehicle will turn off. Note that the car can be started up to 5 times between normal key or push-button start operation.
Alternatively, you can use smartphone controllers or a 1-way or 2-way long-range remote control. To adequately use these options, you will have to refer to their operation manuals.
How do I tell if my vehicle has a remote start?
If it’s a Mercedes-Benz, all models made after 2016 come standard with this feature. However, older models, such as those made between 2010 and 2015 have a button on their key fob for the remote start. Other vehicle makers usually have a sticker under the hood that states if the car is fitted with a remote start.
Can I start my Mercedes with my phone?
Yes, you can. The Mercedes me connect app provides you total control over your car. This is because it houses all of your remote access services, including vehicle locator, remote engine start, remote car lock and much more. Therefore, you can access and operate your car from anywhere.
Can some steal my Mercedes if I use remote start?
No. Although remote start turns on the car and starts the engine, the doors will still be locked. And if a thief manages to get inside the vehicle, the car cannot be driven away without detecting the presence of the keyfob inside the vehicle.
Is the Mercedes-Benz mbrace feature free of charge?
No, it’s not free of charge. The Mercedes-Benz mbrace comes with a six-month free trial with any new purchase of a Mercedes and a three-month trial is awarded for pre-owned vehicle purchases. After that, the Mercedes mbrace package usually starts from $280 per year.
The Mercedes-Benz mbrace starter package includes safety, security, convenience, and remote access services that have never been seen before. They not only make driving Mercedes fun but also safe and convenient. These are just a few of the features included in the Mercedes-Benz mbrace package subscription.
Final thoughts
All Mercedes models made after 2016 come with a remote start function. However, some models can also be fitted with the remote start function. On the contrary, Mercedes models made in the late 1990s and early 2000s are not compatible with the remote start system.
The remote start function simplifies things for the user as he/she can control their car from anywhere. Moreover, the driver can start the car remotely, lock & unlock car doors remotely, or even send an address to your navigation. This package simplifies things for the Mercedes user.